Education Action Council

The EAC is advancing a strong set of initiatives for members and veterans of the Guard and their families.

The EAC is amplifying the best practices that so many schools are advancing and deploying to help our members and veterans of the Guard and their families get their degrees with flexibility, understanding, and affordability. The EAC is also advancing military credentialing and professional license portability and reciprocity.

All are welcome to participate on PNGAS EAC Monthly Calls, which occur on the 2nd Monday of every month at 11am. Contact for call information.

Guard-Friendly Schools Designation

Already 33 schools have submitted applications for PNGAS Guard Friendly School designation. We are still accepting applictions for Guard Friendly Schools. It’s easy to submit an Application for PNGAS Guard Friendly Schools.

All Schools are welcome and encouraged to apply.

With the modernization of the EAP and the introduction of the MFEP, the Guard Friendly School designation efforts are designed to energize all schools towards best practices for members and veterans of the Guard and their families. For more information

Federal Certifying Officer Forum

The EAC is a forum for the federal Certifying Officer at PHEAA-approved colleges, universities and trade schools. PNGAS will be offering trainings and resources for new Certifying Officers.

Military Credentials and College Credits

In the months and years to come PNGAS will play a leadership role in establishing articulation agreements and enabling legislation for the conversion of military training into college credits, as well as credentials towards state licenses and certification. PNGAS will promote best practices.

Legislative Agenda relating to Education

The EAC continues to actively support the PNGAS Legislative Agenda pertaining to Education issues. Many EAC participants are sharing support letters and legislative support for initiatives in the PNGAS Legislative Agenda. The new MFEP and modernization of the EAP are the #1 priorities of PNGAS.