How We Advocate

Face-to-face Advocacy: Making a Personal Connection

PNGAS recognizes the importance of personal connections in advocacy. By organizing face-to-face meetings with legislators and policymakers, the association ensures that the voices of Pennsylvania National Guard members are heard directly. Through these encounters, PNGAS representatives can present compelling arguments, share personal stories, and provide firsthand accounts of the challenges and needs of the Guard. These personal connections humanize the issues at hand and create a lasting impression that goes beyond mere statistics and data.

Washington D.C. Advocacy: Making an Impact on the National Stage

PNGAS understands that to effect change on a broader scale, engagement in the nation's capital is crucial. By actively participating in meetings, hearings, and discussions with lawmakers in Washington D.C., the association amplifies the concerns and requirements of Pennsylvania National Guard members. PNGAS representatives work diligently to educate legislators about the unique role and contributions of the Guard, ensuring that their needs are considered during policy formulation and budgetary decision-making processes. This direct engagement in the heart of the nation's political landscape ensures that the interests of the Pennsylvania National Guard remain a priority at the federal level.

Harrisburg Advocacy: Strengthening Support at the State Level

The advocacy efforts of PNGAS are not confined to the national stage alone. Recognizing the significance of local influence, the association actively engages with legislators and policymakers in Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania. Through regular meetings and discussions, PNGAS representatives provide valuable insights and recommendations regarding legislation and policies that impact the Pennsylvania National Guard and its service members. By leveraging their expertise and relationships, PNGAS ensures that the unique needs of the Guard are considered in state-level decision-making processes.

Leveraging Relationships: Coalition Building for a Stronger Voice

PNGAS recognizes the strength in numbers and the power of collaboration. The association actively seeks to forge relationships and build coalitions with other organizations that share common goals and interests. By joining forces with like-minded groups, PNGAS amplifies its advocacy efforts and gains access to a wider network of support. Through strategic alliances, the association can effectively convey the needs and concerns of the Pennsylvania National Guard to a broader audience, including policymakers, the media, and the general public. By fostering these relationships, PNGAS strengthens its voice and increases the impact of its advocacy efforts.

Securing Benefits and Funding: Tangible Results of PNGAS Advocacy

The tireless advocacy work undertaken by PNGAS has yielded tangible results for the Pennsylvania National Guard and its service members. Through their efforts, the association has successfully secured increased funding for critical programs, modernization of equipment, and improved training opportunities. PNGAS has played a pivotal role in shaping legislation that enhances healthcare benefits, expands educational opportunities, and provides robust support systems for service members transitioning to civilian life. These achievements not only improve the quality of life for Guard members but also contribute to their overall readiness and effectiveness in serving our nation.